I was once an RGN (Registered General Nurse) student. I went into nursing to be a missionary, not kill people, so when I found out there were secret plans not to resuscitate patients, and other ways they finished up without the planned resuscitation, I went on Channel 4 TV News in England to try to expose the practices. However I would describe the TV broadcast as a clever cover-up. They actively refused to allow me to quote evidence of a planned resuscitation that did not occur, even though the patient and relatives thought a resuscitation would be performed in the event of a cardiac arrest.
If you want to see just how bad the secret practices were just see the paper that was published by one of the hospitals I worked in, where I made complaints about subjects like "The Hollywood Code" "Light Blue" or "The slow code".
Aarons / Beeching Paper, Fazakerley Hospital Liverpool England, BMJ Dec 1991.
I was once an RGN (Registered General Nurse) student. I went into nursing to be a missionary, not kill people, so when I found out there were secret plans not to resuscitate patients, and other ways they finished up without the planned resuscitation, I went on Channel 4 TV News in England to try to expose the practices. However I would describe the TV broadcast as a clever cover-up. They actively refused to allow me to quote evidence of a planned resuscitation that did not occur, even though the patient and relatives thought a resuscitation would be performed in the event of a cardiac arrest.
If you want to see just how bad the secret practices were just see the paper that was published by one of the hospitals I worked in, where I made complaints about subjects like "The Hollywood Code" "Light Blue" or "The slow code".
Aarons / Beeching Paper, Fazakerley Hospital Liverpool England, BMJ Dec 1991.
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Was not only preached by "the mad monk| Rasputin, it is a far older heresy, and may be described in the Bible in its worst form
in Romans 3:8.
"And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just."
The OED definition is
antinomian |antɪˈnəʊmɪən|
a person who believes that Christians are released by grace from the obligation of observing the moral law.
ORIGIN mid 17th cent.: from medieval Latin Antinomi, the name of a 16th-cent. sect in Germany alleged to hold this view, from Greek anti- ‘opposite, against’ + nomos ‘law’
The Ophites and Nicolaitans are both said to have been antinomian heretical sects, as these Gnostic sects taught that matter is so opposed in nature to spirit bodily actions were indifferent and therefore licentiousness was wholly admissible. It appears that the Pharisees accused Paul of such heresy, as he did not preach the keeping of the Old Testament law, which was then warped into an accusation of what amounts to antinomianism by the Jews (though the word was obviously not invented then), as Paul preached instead that the law of the new covenant was written on the heart by the Holy Spirit, an internal impulse to do good, and he sternuously denied the accusation. (1)
Quote: "The theology of Rasputin centered around a virulent form of antinomianism: one must become very familiar with sin, so that God’s grace can be demonstrated to its fullest extent. As far as we know Rasputin took full advantage of some of his theology, with plenty of evidence for the first portion (familiarity with sin) but no evidence for the second portion (familiarity with God’s grace)."
(1) (see Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church)